
Most people experience situational anxiety that is triggered by common things such as starting a new job, coming upon an unexpected expense or having health concerns. However, for many people, feelings of frequent and excessive anxiety, fear, terror or panic are part of everyday situations and affect the quality of life. In fact, anxiety disorders are one of the most common mental health illnesses in the United States and affected more than 40 million adults in the last year. There is help.

9 tips for coping with an anxiety disorder

These simple (and enjoyable) lifestyle changes and coping strategies can make a real difference.

Is it possible to reduce test anxiety?

Consider these strategies to increase your performance on test day.

Can certain foods affect my anxiety?

Consider these helpful suggestions when choosing your daily meals.


Anxiety can manifest in many different ways. Learn more about potential symptoms.

Diagnosis & Treatment

Whatever symptoms of anxiety you may have, treatment can help.

Nightly Anxiety Keeping You Up?

Is anxiety keeping you up at night? Try adding these small steps to your nightly routine for a more restful sleep.