Supervisor Toolkit

Making a Referral

There are several situations that may lead a manager to call the EAP for consultation.

  1. An employee shares with you information that indicates a personal or work-related problem that may currently or in the future impact the employees job performance.
  2. A manager begins to notice that an employee who is normally efficient and effective demonstrates several of the following red flags:
    • Declining job performance
    • Chronic absenteeism
    • Frequent or careless mistakes/accidents
    • Frequent tardiness
    • Change in work relationships
    • Change in work behavior
    • Inappropriate conduct towards customers or peers
  3. A manager who is entering into or is in the corrective action process with an employee can call to learn about how the EAP can be offered to the employee as a resource for potential improvement.
  4. A manager may call or meet with a Counselor to discuss various ways to manage challenging employee encounters.

How to Make a Referral to the EAP

If a supervisor/manager is interested in making an employee referral due to work performance problems, the first step would be to call and speak with a Counselor in person or via the phone.

The EAP Counselor will ask a series of questions to better understand what job performance issues are of concern to the supervisor and to gather workplace information prior to meeting with the employee.

EAP Orientations

 EAP will provide management and employee informational sessions on EAP services.